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Questions About Abdominoplasty

Dr. Paul Angelchik is a Phoenix plastic surgeon who is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. He is also a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Dr. Angelchik is well-trained and experienced in all forms of plastic surgery, namely breast enhancement and facial rejuvenation. He has been serving patients for over 20 years. Dr. Angelchik brings his surgical experience, expertise, and quality care to patients in and around Phoenix, Arizona.

Tummy Tuck Questions and Answers

Abdominoplasty, otherwise known as a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure to flatten the contour of the abdomen by removing excess fat and skin, and tightening the underlying muscles. In some cases, these problem areas may be the result of family genetics or part of the person’s normal aging process. A more extensive abdominoplasty, called a circumferential abdominoplasty, may be performed which will also tighten the flanks and the back. Another variation is a body lift which tightens the outer thighs and buttocks. There is also a partial abdominoplasty (mini tummy tuck). An abdominoplasty procedure is a good option for people who are in good general health and have not had success with exercise, dieting and toning for sagging skin and poor muscle tone in the abdominal area. Women who have excess loose skin from pregnancy, and patients who have experienced massive weight loss can benefit from abdominoplasty. Excess fat and skin are removed from the abdomen. The abdominal muscles are tightened by pulling them together and stitching the covering sheath of connective tissue that envelopes the muscles together. The entire procedure is usually performed with general anesthesia and depending on the depth of the procedure, you may stay in the hospital for one or two nights. The surgery may be combined with other body contouring procedures. It is a tummy tuck done only below the navel, not on the entire abdomen. This is a good option for people who are in relatively good physical shape and do not have a lot of excess skin and muscle laxity in the upper abdomen.

  1. What is abdominoplasty?
  2. Who is a good candidate for an abdominoplasty?
  3. What happens during an abdominoplasty procedure?
  4. What is a partial-abdominoplasty?
  5. What happens during recovery from abdominoplasty?

Recovery after abdominoplasty has been made easier with the use of local anesthetic pain pumps which deliver pain medication directly to the surgical site after surgery. Pain medication and muscle relaxants are also prescribed. Recovery takes longer after a more extensive procedure versus a limited procedure. At first you may have drains in place to prevent any build-up of fluid. Heavy lifting and upper body exercise are restricted for 6 weeks. Most patients return to desk jobs at 2 – 3 weeks. Walking is encouraged beginning shortly after surgery. You will be seen frequently during the first few weeks after the surgery in the office. Your job is to rest, but each day it’s a good idea to get up and walk around several times a day, according to Dr. Angelchik’s instructions. This helps to prevent blood clots in the legs. You can pamper yourself with lots of pillows, good books and videos you never had time to watch. On our Results page, there are some Before and After photos of abdominoplasties. If you are considering abdominoplasty, or any other plastic surgery procedure, it is important to consult a highly skilled and qualified surgeon to obtain all of the information available before making any decisions. Please contact us today at our Glendale, AZ office to schedule your confidential consultation. In addition to tummy tuck, Dr. Angelchik also performs other body contouring procedures in his Glendale plastic surgery practice. Visit these pages in the website to learn about how Dr. Angelchik treats Phoenix area liposuction, body lift, brachioplasty and thigh lift patients.

Contact Us

If you're interested, please contact us today at 602-375-8888 to schedule your consultation. Our office provides excellent plastic surgery to clients in the Glendale, Phoenix, Tempe, Scottsdale, Mesa, Surprise and Peoria areas of Arizona.