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Breast Implant Exchange

Doctor Certifications

Dr. Angelchik was certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) in 1996 and successfully completed a rigorous recertification process in 2006 and 2016. He participates in the Maintenance of Certification program through the ABPS. He is a member in good standing of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. He has also been named to Castle & Connolly’s Top Doctors in America every year since 1996.

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What is Breast Implant Exchange? 

Breast implant exchange, sometimes called implant replacement or implant revision, is a surgical procedure that replaces existing breast implants with new implants based on each patient’s preferences. Breast implants often last 10-15 years so women often choose to exchange them after this time. Implant replacement can also be performed earlier if you develop complications or desire a different look.

If you no longer like the look of your implants, breast implant removal can also be performed by itself. A breast lift can be added to either procedure to simultaneously improve the appearance of sagging breast tissue.

Who is a Candidate for Breast Implant Exchange? 

Previous breast augmentation patients who are no longer satisfied with the look of their implants, and those who have developed complications, can benefit from breast implant exchange. Possible complications include capsular contracture, hardening of the scar tissue, saline implant leaking, or silicone implant rupture. These complications pose potential medical complications and alter the appearance of the breasts.

Ideal candidates should be in overall good health, meaning:

  • Stable weight
  • No underlying medical conditions
  • Realistic expectations
  • Not currently pregnant
  • Non-smokers or willing to stop smoking for an extended period

Dr. Angelchik will discuss your medical history and surgical goals with you at your consultation to determine the best treatment plan for your breast implant revision.

What Are My Options for Breast Implant Exchange?

Different-Sized Implants 

If your breasts are still smaller than your ideal size, larger implants can be placed to enhance the size of your breasts. If you feel that your implants are too large due to lifestyle changes, your implants can be replaced with smaller ones or the implants can be removed.

Silicone vs. Saline Breast Implants

Silicone implants have a realistic look and feel, creating a natural result that is popular among patients. Saline implants are filled with a salt-water solution and allow for more precise sizing. Both are great options to enhance the look of your breasts.

How is Breast Implant Exchange Performed? 

Breast implant exchange is performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure in our surgery center. Dr. Angelchik will use the previous incision line to prevent further scarring and create a more aesthetically pleasing result. Incisions are often made under the breast fold and/or around the areola. After the existing implants are removed, built-up scar tissue will be removed, and the new implants will be placed in the breast pocket.

Breast Implant Exchange Recovery and Results 

Patients should expect moderate swelling, bruising, and discomfort that improves during the first 1-2 weeks. However, swelling can take several months to completely go down. Dr. Angelchik will fit you with a surgical bra or compression garment to minimize swelling. Patients should be able to return to work within 1-2 weeks, but more strenuous activity and exercise should be avoided until Dr. Angelchik has informed you that it is safe.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are considering breast implant exchange in Phoenix and the surrounding areas, schedule a consultation today with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Paul Angelchik. He will be happy to discuss all your options for breast revision surgery to develop a customized treatment plan that meets your needs.


Can breast implants last a lifetime?

Generally, breast implants are not meant to last a lifetime. However, some may last for 20 years or longer.

Can capsular contracture get worse?

If capsular contracture, or the excessive scar tissue around breast implants, is not treated, symptoms can continue to worsen. This is why it is important to seek treatment from a plastic surgeon as soon as possible.

How much is a breast implant revision?

The cost of breast implant revision may vary depending on many factors. For more information regarding pricing, please contact our office today.

How often should breast implants be replaced?

Most breast implants are FDA approved for 10-20 years. However, if your breast implants are not causing any complications, they may stay in longer.

Is it dangerous to have breast implants removed?

Breast implant removal surgery is a safe procedure with minimal risk of complications when performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon.

Is there an alternative to breast implants?

Individuals who wish to augment their breasts without the use of breast implants may do so with the use of fat transfer.

Can breast implants be removed and not replaced?

Yes, if you wish to simply remove your implants without replacing them, this can be achieved.

Can you feel a ruptured breast implant?

Regardless of the type of breast implant, an implant rupture will most likely cause some tenderness, discomfort, or pain in the breast. Saline breast implant ruptures are more noticeable, as the breast will lose its shape.

How long does it take to recover from breast revision surgery?

Most patients will be able to return to work within 1-2 weeks, though more strenuous activities should be avoided until your surgeon has said that it is safe.

What is breast revision surgery?

The main goal of breast revision surgery is to replace existing breast implants with new implants.

Can breast implants change shape over time?

Over time and due to the natural aging process, breast implants can change in both size and shape.

Can breast implants last 30 years?

While every patient is different, most breast implants can last for 20 years or more

Does insurance cover breast revision?

In some cases, breast implant removal or revision may be covered by insurance if the procedure is deemed “medically necessary”. Please speak with your surgeon and insurance provider for more information.

How do you fix capsular contracture?

Surgery is the only solution for capsular contracture. If you are experiencing symptoms of capsular contracture, it is recommended that you seek out the care of a board-certified plastic surgeon.

How long do breast lifts last?

On average, results from breast lift surgery last for 10-15 years.

Can breast implants be reduced in size?

Yes, individuals who wish to reduce the size of their breast implants can undergo breast implant revision surgery. During this procedure, larger implants can be replaced with smaller ones.

Can capsular contracture go away by itself?

No, capsular contracture will not resolve on its own. Surgery is needed to remove the excessive scar tissue around the breast implant(s).

Can I have my breast implants removed?

Yes, if you wish to have your breast implants removed, your plastic surgeon can safely remove them for you.

How soon after breast augmentation can I get a revision?

Patients should wait at least 6-12 months after breast augmentation to undergo revision surgery.

What are the early signs of capsular contracture?

Early signs of capsular contracture include breasts that feel tight or uncomfortable, breasts that appear very round or have a rippled appearance, or implants that are “riding high”, or are positioned high on the chest wall.

What is the most common breast implant size?

On average, the most common breast implant size ranges between 300cc and 500cc.

The Angelchik Difference

Learn more about our philosophy and follow the patient journey to see what
makes us different and what to expect before, during and after your procedure.

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    Surgeon Consultation

    All patient consultations are conducted with Board Certified surgeon Dr. Angelchik and full medical history is discussed.

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    Custom Procedure

    Recommendations are based on the patient's expressed interests, health history and physical examination.

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    Personalized Experience

    Our staff offers a personalized experience for each patient with an educational and reassuring environment.

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    Highly Rated

    Consistenly on RealSelf, HealthGrades and Google. In Best Doctors and Castle & Connolly's Best Doctors.

Contact Us

If you're interested, please contact us today at 602-375-8888 to schedule your consultation. Our office provides excellent plastic surgery to clients in the Glendale, Phoenix, Tempe, Scottsdale, Mesa, Surprise and Peoria areas of Arizona.