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Breast Implants: When Size Matters

Dr. Paul Angelchik is a Phoenix plastic surgeon who is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. He is also a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Dr. Angelchik is well-trained and experienced in all forms of plastic surgery, namely breast enhancement and facial rejuvenation. He has been serving patients for over 20 years. Dr. Angelchik brings his surgical experience, expertise, and quality care to patients in and around Phoenix, Arizona.

Yes, it’s true. Size really does matter when you’re having a breast augmentation. In fact, it’s one of the biggest decisions you have to make. One study shows that of the women who underwent re-operation, 34% did so to have a larger size implant. On the other hand, smaller breasts, with a fuller lower pole, balanced with your body size and type, are trendier today. It’s well worth the effort to choose the most flattering size the first time.

Silicone or saline; teardrop or round shaped; high or low profile; sub muscular or sub glandular–how does one choose? One factor is the amount of breast tissue, another the thickness of your skin. As your cosmetic surgeon, I will measure these and other dimensions, and explain the options, and how these will narrow your choices.

Considering how the size of your implant will affect your self-image, confidence, appearance, mental and physical health, try several ways, in cooperation with your cosmetic surgeon, to determine the right size, shape, placement and type of implant. It’s not uncommon for women to discover that the best implant choice is far from what they were led to believe. Height, weight, and body type and shape play a big part in this decision. As well-meaning as friends are, they’ll never know the intimate details of your body the way you and your cosmetic surgeon do. Choosing the best size for you is a unique personal decision.

For answers to any other questions you have about breast augmentation, see our FAQ page or contact us for a consultation.

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If you're interested, please contact us today at 602-375-8888 to schedule your consultation. Our office provides excellent plastic surgery to clients in the Glendale, Phoenix, Tempe, Scottsdale, Mesa, Surprise and Peoria areas of Arizona.